What Color Does Saturn Appear From Earth

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Saturn, second largest planet of the solar system in mass and size and the sixth nearest planet in distance to the Sun. In the night sky Saturn is easily visible to the unaided eye as a non-twinkling point of light. When viewed through even a small telescope, the planet encircled by its magnificent rings is arguably the most sublime object in the solar system. Saturn is designated by the symbol ♄.



Saturn and its spectacular rings, in a natural-colour composite of 126 images taken by the Cassini spacecraft on October 6, 2004. The view is directed toward Saturn's southern hemisphere, which is tipped toward the Sun. Shadows cast by the rings are visible against the bluish northern hemisphere, while the planet's shadow is projected on the rings to the left.

NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

Saturn's name comes from the Roman god of agriculture, who is equated with the Greek deity Cronus, one of the Titans and the father of Zeus (the Roman god Jupiter). As the farthest of the planets known to ancient observers, Saturn also was noted to be the slowest-moving. At a distance from the Sun that is 9.5 times as far as Earth's, Saturn takes approximately 29.5 Earth years to make one solar revolution. The Italian astronomer Galileo in 1610 was the first to observe Saturn with a telescope. Although he saw a strangeness in Saturn's appearance, the low resolution of his instrument did not allow him to discern the true nature of the planet's rings.

Saturn occupies almost 60 percent of Jupiter's volume but has only about one-third of its mass and the lowest mean density—about 70 percent that of water—of any known object in the solar system. Hypothetically, Saturn would float in an ocean large enough to hold it. Both Saturn and Jupiter resemble stars in that their bulk chemical composition is dominated by hydrogen. Also, as is the case for Jupiter, the tremendous pressure in Saturn's deep interior maintains the hydrogen there in a fluid metallic state. Saturn's structure and evolutionary history, however, differ significantly from those of its larger counterpart. Like the other giant, or Jovian, planets—Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune—Saturn has extensive systems of moons (natural satellites) and rings, which may provide clues to its origin and evolution as well as to those of the solar system. Saturn's moon Titan is distinguished from all other moons in the solar system by the presence of a significant atmosphere, one that is denser than that of any of the terrestrial planets except Venus.

The greatest advances in knowledge of Saturn, as well as of most of the other planets, have come from deep-space probes. Four spacecraft have visited the Saturnian system: Pioneer 11 in 1979, Voyagers 1 and 2 in the two years following, and, after almost a quarter-century, Cassini-Huygens, which arrived in 2004. The first three missions were short-term flybys, but Cassini went into orbit around Saturn for years of investigations, while its Huygens probe parachuted through the atmosphere of Titan and reached its surface, becoming the first spacecraft to land on a moon other than Earth's.

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Basic astronomical data

Saturn orbits the Sun at a mean distance of 1,427,000,000 km (887 million miles). Its closest distance to Earth is about 1.2 billion km (746 million miles), and its phase angle—the angle that it makes with the Sun and Earth—never exceeds about 6°. Saturn seen from the vicinity of Earth thus always appears nearly fully illuminated. Only deep space probes can provide sidelit and backlit views.

Like Jupiter and most of the other planets, Saturn has a regular orbit—that is, its motion around the Sun is prograde (in the same direction that the Sun rotates) and has a small eccentricity (noncircularity) and inclination to the ecliptic, the plane of Earth's orbit. Unlike Jupiter, however, Saturn's rotational axis is tilted substantially—by 26.7°—to its orbital plane. The tilt gives Saturn seasons, as on Earth, but each season lasts more than seven years. Another result is that Saturn's rings, which lie in the plane of its equator, are presented to observers on Earth at opening angles ranging from 0° (edge on) to nearly 30°. The view of Saturn's rings cycles over a 30-year period. Earth-based observers can see the rings' sunlit northern side for about 15 years and then, in an analogous view, the sunlit southern side for the next 15 years. In the short intervals when Earth crosses the ring plane, the rings are all but invisible.

Saturn's rotation period was very difficult to determine. Cloud motions in its massive upper atmosphere trace out a variety of periods, which are as short as about 10 hours 10 minutes near the equator and increase with some oscillation to about 30 minutes longer at latitudes higher than 40°. Scientists attempted to determine the rotation period of Saturn's deep interior from that of its magnetic field, which is presumed to be rooted in the planet's metallic-hydrogen outer core. However, direct measurement of the field's rotation was difficult because the field is highly symmetrical around the rotational axis. At the time of the Voyager encounters, radio outbursts from Saturn, apparently related to small irregularities in the magnetic field, showed a period of 10 hours 39.4 minutes; this value was taken to be the magnetic field rotation period. Measurements made 25 years later by the Cassini spacecraft indicated that the field was rotating with a period 6–7 minutes longer. It was believed that the solar wind is responsible for some of the difference between these two measurements of the rotational period. Not until Cassini flew inside Saturn's rings on its final orbits was the rotation period accurately measured. By relating waves observed in the rings to slight variations in Saturn's gravitational field, the rotation period of the planet was determined to be 10 hours 33 minutes 38 seconds. The time differences between the rotation periods of Saturn's clouds and of its interior have been used to estimate wind velocities (see below The atmosphere).

Because the four giant planets have no solid surface in their outer layers, by convention the values for the radius and gravity of these planets are calculated at the level at which one bar of atmospheric pressure is exerted. By this measure, Saturn's equatorial diameter is 120,536 km (74,898 miles). In comparison, its polar diameter is only 108,728 km (67,560 miles), or 10 percent smaller, which makes Saturn the most oblate (flattened at the poles) of all the planets in the solar system. Its oblate shape is apparent even in a small telescope. Even though Saturn rotates slightly slower than Jupiter, it is more oblate because its rotational acceleration cancels a larger fraction of the planet's gravity at the equator. The equatorial gravity of the planet, 896 cm (29.4 feet) per second per second, is only 74 percent of its polar gravity. Saturn is 95 times as massive as Earth but occupies a volume 766 times greater. Its mean density of 0.69 gram per cubic cm is thus only some 12 percent of Earth's. Saturn's equatorial escape velocity—the velocity needed for an object, which includes individual atoms and molecules, to escape the planet's gravitational attraction at the equator without having to be further accelerated—is nearly 36 km per second (80,000 miles per hour) at the one-bar level, compared with 11.2 km per second (25,000 miles per hour) for Earth. This high value indicates that there has been no significant loss of atmosphere from Saturn since its formation. For additional orbital and physical data, see the table.

Planetary data for Saturn
*Time required for the planet to return to the same position in the sky relative to the Sun as seen from Earth.
**Calculated for the altitude at which 1 bar of atmospheric pressure is exerted.
mean distance from Sun 1,426,666,000 km (9.5 AU)
eccentricity of orbit 0.054
inclination of orbit to ecliptic 2.49°
Saturnian year (sidereal period of revolution) 29.45 Earth years
visual magnitude at mean opposition 0.7
mean synodic period* 378.10 Earth days
mean orbital velocity 9.6 km/sec
equatorial radius** 60,268 km
polar radius** 54,364 km
mass 5.683 × 1026 kg
mean density 0.69 g/cm3
equatorial gravity** 896 cm/sec2
polar gravity** 1,214 cm/sec2
equatorial escape velocity** 35.5 km/sec
polar escape velocity** 37.4 km/sec
rotation period (magnetic field) 10 hr 39 min 24 sec (Voyager era); about 10 hr 46 min (Cassini-Huygens mission)
inclination of equator to orbit 26.7°
magnetic field strength at equator 0.21 gauss
number of known moons 62
planetary ring system 3 major rings comprising myriad component ringlets; several less-dense rings

What Color Does Saturn Appear From Earth

Source: https://www.britannica.com/place/Saturn-planet#:~:text=Viewed%20from%20Earth%2C%20Saturn%20has,over%20a%20fairly%20short%20time.

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